Testing Cluster API

This document presents testing guidelines and conventions for Cluster API.

IMPORTANT: improving and maintaining this document is a collaborative effort, so we are encouraging constructive feedback and suggestions.

Unit tests

Unit tests focus on individual pieces of logic - a single func - and don’t require any additional services to execute. They should be fast and great for getting the first signal on the current implementation, but unit tests have the risk of allowing integration bugs to slip through.

In Cluster API most of the unit tests are developed using go test, gomega and the fakeclient; however using fakeclient is not suitable for all the use cases due to some limitations in how it is implemented. In some cases contributors will be required to use envtest. See the quick reference below for more details.

Mocking external APIs

In some cases when writing tests it is required to mock external API, e.g. etcd client API or the AWS SDK API.

This problem is usually well scoped in core Cluster API, and in most cases it is already solved by using fake implementations of the target API to be injected during tests.

Instead, mocking is much more relevant for infrastructure providers; in order to address the issue some providers can use simulators reproducing the behaviour of a real infrastructure providers (e.g CAPV); if this is not possible, a viable solution is to use mocks (e.g CAPA).

Generic providers

When writing tests core Cluster API contributors should ensure that the code works with any providers, and thus it is required to not use any specific provider implementation. Instead, the so-called generic providers e.g. “GenericInfrastructureCluster” should be used because they implement the plain Cluster API contract. This prevents tests from relying on assumptions that may not hold true in all cases.

Please note that in the long term we would like to improve the implementation of generic providers, centralizing the existing set of utilities scattered across the codebase, but while details of this work will be defined do not hesitate to reach out to reviewers and maintainers for guidance.

Integration tests

Integration tests are focused on testing the behavior of an entire controller or the interactions between two or more Cluster API controllers.

In Cluster API, integration tests are based on envtest and one or more controllers configured to run against the test cluster.

With this approach it is possible to interact with Cluster API almost like in a real environment, by creating/updating Kubernetes objects and waiting for the controllers to take action. See the quick reference below for more details.

Also in case of integration tests, considerations about mocking external APIs and usage of generic providers apply.

Fuzzing tests

Fuzzing tests automatically inject randomly generated inputs, often invalid or with unexpected values, into functions to discover vulnerabilities.

Two different types of fuzzing are currently being used on the Cluster API repository:

Fuzz testing for API conversion

Cluster API uses Kubernetes’ conversion-gen to automate the generation of functions to convert our API objects between versions. These conversion functions are tested using the FuzzTestFunc util in our conversion utils package. For more information about these conversions see the API conversion code walkthrough in our video walkthrough series.

OSS-Fuzz continuous fuzzing

Parts of the CAPI code base are continuously fuzzed through the OSS-Fuzz project. Issues found in these fuzzing tests are reported to Cluster API maintainers and surfaced in issues on the repo for resolution. To read more about the integration of Cluster API with OSS Fuzz see the 2022 Cluster API Fuzzing Report.

Test maintainability

Tests are an integral part of the project codebase.

Cluster API maintainers and all the contributors should be committed to help in ensuring that tests are easily maintainable, easily readable, well documented and consistent across the code base.

In light of continuing improving our practice around this ambitious goal, we are starting to introduce a shared set of:

  • Builders (sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/internal/test/builder), allowing to create test objects in a simple and consistent way.
  • Matchers (sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/envtest/komega), improving how we write test assertions.

Each contribution in growing this set of utilities or their adoption across the codebase is more than welcome!

Another consideration that can help in improving test maintainability is the idea of testing “by layers”; this idea could apply whenever we are testing “higher-level” functions that internally uses one or more “lower-level” functions; in order to avoid writing/maintaining redundant tests, whenever possible contributors should take care of testing only the logic that is implemented in the “higher-level” function, delegating the test function called internally to a “lower-level” set of unit tests.

A similar concern could be raised also in the case whenever there is overlap between unit tests and integration tests, but in this case the distinctive value of the two layers of testing is determined by how test are designed:

  • unit test are focused on code structure: func(input) = output, including edge case values, asserting error conditions etc.
  • integration test are user story driven: as a user, I want express some desired state using API objects, wait for the reconcilers to take action, check the new system state.

Running unit and integration tests

Run make test to execute all unit and integration tests.

Integration tests use the envtest test framework. The tests need to know the location of the executables called by the framework. The make test target installs these executables, and passes this location to the tests as an environment variable.

Test execution via IDE

Your IDE needs to know the location of the executables called by the framework, so that it can pass the location to the tests as an environment variable.


The dev/vscode-example-configuration directory in the repository contains an example configuration that integrates VSCode with the envtest framework.

To use the example configuration, copy the files to the .vscode directory in the repository, and restart VSCode.

The configuration works as follows: Whenever the project is opened in VSCode, a VSCode task runs that installs the executables, and writes the location to a file. A setting tells vscode-go to initialize the environment from this file.

End-to-end tests

The end-to-end tests are meant to verify the proper functioning of a Cluster API management cluster in an environment that resemble a real production environment.

The following guidelines should be followed when developing E2E tests:

See e2e development for more information on developing e2e tests for CAPI and external providers.

Running the end-to-end tests locally

Usually the e2e tests are executed by Prow, either pre-submit (on PRs) or periodically on certain branches (e.g. the default branch). Those jobs are defined in the kubernetes/test-infra repository in config/jobs/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api. For development and debugging those tests can also be executed locally.


make docker-build-e2e will build the images for all providers that will be needed for the e2e tests.

Test execution via ci-e2e.sh

To run a test locally via the command line, you should look at the Prow Job configuration for the test you want to run and then execute the same commands locally. For example to run pull-cluster-api-e2e-main just execute:

GINKGO_FOCUS="\[PR-Blocking\]" ./scripts/ci-e2e.sh

Test execution via make test-e2e

make test-e2e will run e2e tests by using whatever provider images already exist on disk. After running make docker-build-e2e at least once, make test-e2e can be used for a faster test run, if there are no provider code changes. If the provider code is changed, run make docker-build-e2e to update the images.

Test execution via IDE

It’s also possible to run the tests via an IDE which makes it easier to debug the test code by stepping through the code.

First, we have to make sure all prerequisites are fulfilled, i.e. all required images have been built (this also includes kind images). This can be done by executing the ./scripts/ci-e2e.sh script.

# Notes: # * You can cancel the script as soon as it starts the actual test execution via `make test-e2e`. # * If you want to run other tests (e.g. upgrade tests), make sure all required env variables are set (see the Prow Job config). GINKGO_FOCUS="\[PR-Blocking\]" ./scripts/ci-e2e.sh

Now, the tests can be run in an IDE. The following describes how this can be done in IntelliJ IDEA and VS Code. It should work roughly the same way in all other IDEs. We assume the cluster-api repository has been checked out into /home/user/code/src/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api.


Create a new run configuration and fill in:

  • Test framework: gotest
  • Test kind: Package
  • Package path: sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/e2e
  • Pattern: ^\QTestE2E\E$
  • Working directory: /home/user/code/src/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/e2e
  • Environment: ARTIFACTS=/home/user/code/src/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/_artifacts
  • Program arguments: -e2e.config=/home/user/code/src/sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api/test/e2e/config/docker.yaml -ginkgo.focus="\[PR-Blocking\]"

VS Code

Add the launch.json file in the .vscode folder in your repo:

{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Run e2e test", "type": "go", "request": "launch", "mode": "test", "program": "${workspaceRoot}/test/e2e/e2e_suite_test.go", "env": { "ARTIFACTS":"${workspaceRoot}/_artifacts" }, "args": [ "-e2e.config=${workspaceRoot}/test/e2e/config/docker.yaml", "-ginkgo.focus=\\[PR-Blocking\\]", "-ginkgo.v=true" ], "trace": "verbose", "buildFlags": "-tags 'e2e'", "showGlobalVariables": true } ] }

Execute the run configuration with Debug.

Running specific tests

To run a subset of tests, a combination of either one or both of GINKGO_FOCUS and GINKGO_SKIP env variables can be set. Each of these can be used to match tests, for example:

  • [PR-Blocking] => Sanity tests run before each PR merge
  • [K8s-Upgrade] => Tests which verify k8s component version upgrades on workload clusters
  • [Conformance] => Tests which run the k8s conformance suite on workload clusters
  • [ClusterClass] => Tests which use a ClusterClass to create a workload cluster
  • When testing KCP.* => Tests which start with When testing KCP

For example: GINKGO_FOCUS="\\[PR-Blocking\\]" make test-e2e can be used to run the sanity E2E tests GINKGO_SKIP="\\[K8s-Upgrade\\]" make test-e2e can be used to skip the upgrade E2E tests

Further customization

The following env variables can be set to customize the test execution:

  • GINKGO_FOCUS to set ginkgo focus (default empty - all tests)
  • GINKGO_SKIP to set ginkgo skip (default empty - to allow running all tests)
  • GINKGO_NODES to set the number of ginkgo parallel nodes (default to 1)
  • E2E_CONF_FILE to set the e2e test config file (default to ${REPO_ROOT}/test/e2e/config/docker.yaml)
  • ARTIFACTS to set the folder where test artifact will be stored (default to ${REPO_ROOT}/_artifacts)
  • SKIP_RESOURCE_CLEANUP to skip resource cleanup at the end of the test (useful for problem investigation) (default to false)
  • USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER to use an existing management cluster instead of creating a new one for each test run (default to false)
  • GINKGO_NOCOLOR to turn off the ginkgo colored output (default to false)

Furthermore, it’s possible to overwrite all env variables specified in variables in test/e2e/config/docker.yaml.

Troubleshooting end-to-end tests

Analyzing logs

Logs of e2e tests can be analyzed with our development environment by pushing logs to Loki and then analyzing them via Grafana.

  1. Start the development environment as described in Developing Cluster API with Tilt.
    • Make sure to deploy Loki and Grafana via deploy_observability.
    • If you only want to see imported logs, don’t deploy promtail (via deploy_observability).
    • If you want to drop all logs from Loki, just delete the Loki Pod in the observability namespace.
  2. You can then import logs via the Import Logs button on the top right of the Loki resource page. Just click on the downwards arrow, enter either a ProwJob URL, a GCS path or a local folder and click on Import Logs. This will retrieve the logs and push them to Loki. Alternatively, the logs can be imported via:
    go run ./hack/tools/internal/log-push --log-path=<log-path>
    Examples for log paths:
    • ProwJob URL: https://prow.k8s.io/view/gs/kubernetes-jenkins/pr-logs/pull/kubernetes-sigs_cluster-api/6189/pull-cluster-api-e2e-main/1496954690603061248
    • GCS path: gs://kubernetes-jenkins/pr-logs/pull/kubernetes-sigs_cluster-api/6189/pull-cluster-api-e2e-main/1496954690603061248
    • Local folder: ./_artifacts
  3. Now the logs are available:
    • via Grafana
    • via Loki logcli
      logcli query '{app="capi-controller-manager"}' --timezone=UTC --from="2022-02-22T10:00:00Z"

As alternative to loki, JSON logs can be visualized with a human readable timestamp using jq:

  1. Browse the ProwJob artifacts and download the wanted logfile.

  2. Use jq to query the logs:

    cat manager.log \ | grep -v "TLS handshake error" \ | jq -r '(.ts / 1000 | todateiso8601) + " " + (. | tostring)'

    The (. | tostring) part could also be customized to only output parts of the JSON logline. E.g.:

    • (.err) to only output the error message part.
    • (.msg) to only output the message part.
    • (.controller + " " + .msg) to output the controller name and message part.

Known Issues

Building images on SELinux

Cluster API repositories use Moby Buildkit to speed up image builds. BuildKit does not currently work on SELinux.

Use sudo setenforce 0 to make SELinux permissive when running e2e tests.

Quick reference


envtest is a testing environment that is provided by the controller-runtime project. This environment spins up a local instance of etcd and the kube-apiserver. This allows tests to be executed in an environment very similar to a real environment.

Additionally, in Cluster API there is a set of utilities under [internal/envtest] that helps developers in setting up a envtest ready for Cluster API testing, and more specifically:

  • With the required CRDs already pre-configured.
  • With all the Cluster API webhook pre-configured, so there are enforced guarantees about the semantic accuracy of the test objects you are going to create.

This is an example of how to create an instance of envtest that can be shared across all the tests in a package; by convention, this code should be in a file named suite_test.go:

var ( env *envtest.Environment ctx = ctrl.SetupSignalHandler() ) func TestMain(m *testing.M) { // Setup envtest ... // Run tests os.Exit(envtest.Run(ctx, envtest.RunInput{ M: m, SetupEnv: func(e *envtest.Environment) { env = e }, SetupIndexes: setupIndexes, SetupReconcilers: setupReconcilers, })) }

Most notably, envtest provides not only a real API server to use during testing, but it offers the opportunity to configure one or more controllers to run against the test cluster, as well as creating informers index.

func TestMain(m *testing.M) { // Setup envtest setupReconcilers := func(ctx context.Context, mgr ctrl.Manager) { if err := (&MyReconciler{ Client: mgr.GetClient(), Log: log.NullLogger{}, }).SetupWithManager(mgr, controller.Options{MaxConcurrentReconciles: 1}); err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to start the MyReconciler: %v", err)) } } setupIndexes := func(ctx context.Context, mgr ctrl.Manager) { if err := index.AddDefaultIndexes(ctx, mgr); err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to setup index: %v", err)) } // Run tests ... }

By combining pre-configured validation and mutating webhooks and reconcilers/indexes it is possible to use envtest for developing Cluster API integration tests that can mimic how the system behaves in real Cluster.

Please note that, because envtest uses a real kube-apiserver that is shared across many test cases, the developer should take care in ensuring each test runs in isolation from the others, by:

  • Creating objects in separated namespaces.
  • Avoiding object name conflict.

Developers should also be aware of the fact that the informers cache used to access the envtest depends on actual etcd watches/API calls for updates, and thus it could happen that after creating or deleting objects the cache takes a few milliseconds to get updated. This can lead to test flakes, and thus it always recommended to use patterns like create and wait or delete and wait; Cluster API env test provides a set of utils for this scope.

However, developers should be aware that in some ways, the test control plane will behave differently from “real” clusters, and that might have an impact on how you write tests.

One common example is garbage collection; because there are no controllers monitoring built-in resources, objects do not get deleted, even if an OwnerReference is set up; as a consequence, usually test implements code for cleaning up created objects.

This is an example of a test implementing those recommendations:

func TestAFunc(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) // Generate namespace with a random name starting with ns1; such namespace // will host test objects in isolation from other tests. ns1, err := env.CreateNamespace(ctx, "ns1") g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) defer func() { // Cleanup the test namespace g.Expect(env.DeleteNamespace(ctx, ns1)).To(Succeed()) }() obj := &clusterv1.Cluster{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "test", Namespace: ns1.Name, // Place test objects in the test namespace }, } // Actual test code... }

In case of object used in many test case within the same test, it is possible to leverage on Kubernetes GenerateName; For objects that are shared across sub-tests, ensure they are scoped within the test namespace and deep copied to avoid cross-test changes that may occur to the object.

func TestAFunc(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) // Generate namespace with a random name starting with ns1; such namespace // will host test objects in isolation from other tests. ns1, err := env.CreateNamespace(ctx, "ns1") g.Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) defer func() { // Cleanup the test namespace g.Expect(env.DeleteNamespace(ctx, ns1)).To(Succeed()) }() obj := &clusterv1.Cluster{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ GenerateName: "test-", // Instead of assigning a name, use GenerateName Namespace: ns1.Name, // Place test objects in the test namespace }, } t.Run("test case 1", func(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) // Deep copy the object in each test case, so we prevent side effects in case the object changes. // Additionally, thanks to GenerateName, the objects gets a new name for each test case. obj := obj.DeepCopy() // Actual test case code... } t.Run("test case 2", func(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) obj := obj.DeepCopy() // Actual test case code... } // More test cases. }


fakeclient is another utility that is provided by the controller-runtime project. While this utility is really fast and simple to use because it does not require to spin-up an instance of etcd and kube-apiserver, the fakeclient comes with a set of limitations that could hamper the validity of a test, most notably:

  • it does not properly handle a set of fields which are common in the Kubernetes API objects (and Cluster API objects as well) like e.g. creationTimestamp, resourceVersion, generation, uid
  • fakeclient operations do not trigger defaulting or validation webhooks, so there are no enforced guarantees about the semantic accuracy of the test objects.
  • the fakeclient does not use a cache based on informers/API calls/etcd watches, so the test written in this way can’t help in surfacing race conditions related to how those components behave in real cluster.
  • there is no support for cache index/operations using cache indexes.

Accordingly, using fakeclient is not suitable for all the use cases, so in some cases contributors will be required to use envtest instead. In case of doubts about which one to use when writing tests, don’t hesitate to ask for guidance from project maintainers.


Ginkgo is a Go testing framework built to help you efficiently write expressive and comprehensive tests using Behavior-Driven Development (“BDD”) style.

While Ginkgo is widely used in the Kubernetes ecosystem, Cluster API maintainers found the lack of integration with the most used golang IDE somehow limiting, mostly because:

  • it makes interactive debugging of tests more difficult, since you can’t just run the test using the debugger directly
  • it makes it more difficult to only run a subset of tests, since you can’t just run or debug individual tests using an IDE, but you now need to run the tests using make or the ginkgo command line and override the focus to select individual tests

In Cluster API you MUST use ginkgo only for E2E tests, where it is required to leverage the support for running specs in parallel; in any case, developers MUST NOT use the table driven extension DSL (DescribeTable, Entry commands) which is considered unintuitive.


Gomega is a matcher/assertion library. It is usually paired with the Ginkgo BDD test framework, but it can be used with other test frameworks too.

More specifically, in order to use Gomega with go test you should

func TestFarmHasCow(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) g.Expect(f.HasCow()).To(BeTrue(), "Farm should have cow") }

In Cluster API all the test MUST use Gomega assertions.

go test

go test testing provides support for automated testing of Go packages.

In Cluster API Unit and integration test MUST use go test.